About Scar Camouflage
This non-invasive, paramedical tattoo procedure matches the skin tone to camouflage scarring and can be done on any part of the body for any skin type and tone. By color matching your skin tone, we camouflage scars and blend them into the surrounding skin.
While white scars/stretch marks are preferred, we can work on healed pink, purple and/or discolored scars. This tattooing method is considered advanced scar camouflage and may involve three appointments, including a color correction or neutralization. When a color correction is involved, your results may not yield a perfect color match but will diminish the appearance of the scar and bring it closer to your natural skin tone.
*Your scar needs to be at least 1 year healed to be considered.
Our master artists were trained with the number one training facility in the PNW.